The purpose of the Distant Dad Project is to provide hope and inspiration to men that want a more connected relationship with their daughters.

What Do I As A Daughter Wish My Father Had Known?

What do I as a daughter wish my father had known?


That I missed him more than I, as a young teen, knew how to articulate, and I still do, now that he is gone.

That I wanted his attention, love, approval and ADVICE, but didn't know how to ask for that either.

That I was stuck in rebellion, breaking away from his and my mother's influence, and it wasn't personal against him.


That I was seeking attention and affection from men and boys that, now, I know were just second hand attempts at getting what I needed from my Dad.

That I loved him. And I know he loved me.

That I liked that he took me to church, and on walks a few times, and that I wanted more time with him than just once a week for two hours.

That I just wanted to hang out with him, watch tv, no pressure.


That I loved his sense of humor.

That I miss him and wish we had written more often after the divorce and move.

That I am so sorry for any time I was mean to him.

That I hope I wasn't a disappointment to him.

That I wish I could have gotten there sooner when he was in the hospital.


That I will never forget him, and that I am Blessed to have had him as my Dad.

~ K.V. (Georgia)

Follow Through on Your Promises

Allow Her the Freedom to Become Her Own Woman