I would like you to imagine sitting across the table from a close friend who is going through a terrible divorce. He is a good man and father, but because of the dynamics of the divorce he feels he is unable to be with his daughter as much as he should. He knows he is getting further and further out of touch and fears that soon he will lose the closeness and love of his precious girl.
What advice would you give him from your perspective as a girl that grew up with an absent father? What do you imagine her feelings and desires to be in regard to the relationship with her dad? What sort of actions would you advise him to take to demonstrate his love to her? How much is too much, and how much isn’t enough?
The ideas and stories swarming around in your head need to be shared with men across the globe. They need your guidance and suggestions. They need your perspective. They need hope.
I would like to invite you to contribute your comments, stories, letters, etc. for this blog and possible other projects. The guidelines are on the following pages, and I can assure you that your submissions will be wonderfully helpful.
Submissions should be sent to: DistantDadProject@gmail.com